NOS COINS COURBES (“OUR CURVED CORNERS”) is an installation composed of a group of sculptures, all emerging from a reflection on the notion of “inhabiting”. They question our ways of living, their physical and sociological constructions, and the surface on which they rest. The dwelling is a focal point at the centre of the forms, weaving a framework on which things come to rest, forming densities of hollows and solids, in the crannies of the spaces that the dwelling makes. 


    The cell, the threshold, the bedroom, the bathroom, the walls, the intimacy, the property by destination, the floor and the ceiling : in a conglomeration of superimposed spaces and forms, the dwelling inhabits its own space.

Installation – 2021 

Archive of the solo show “NOS COINS COURBES” at the Nantes School of Fine Arts as part of the DNSEP diploma obtained with highest honors in Nantes, France